The quality management system helps management reach all quality objectives, is designed to continuously improve the quality of our products, and is directed towards the technical and economical requirements of our customers. The effectiveness of management and of the quality management system is continuously assessed and modified when necessary.
The primary objective is to develop and produce high quality and “good tasting” products that meet the expectations of critical consumers with well-trained and motivated employees, suitable production and test equipment, and an efficient and appropriate quality management system. Our products and services should be provided so that they always satisfy the expectations of our customers and possibly even surpass them.
The thoughts and actions of each individual in our company are oriented towards the requirements and desires of our customers. Every employee is responsible for achieving the required level of quality.

An essential element of our production monitoring system is the HACCP system, which is applied to achieve the highest possible level of food safety for the consumer. Our activities focus on product quality, product safety, and product legality as well as reliability and transparency. It is our job every day to ensure and continuously improve in these areas. The requirements of existing legal standards (laws, ordinances, directives) must always be considered in this regard.
We always strive to meet the environmental, occupational safety, and ethical standards to the best of our ability. By processing milk from the Lake Constance region, we contribute to the strengthening of the financial situation of our farmers and help maintain the characteristic landscape of our region. All of our decisions are directed towards protecting the environment and resources.
Respecting human rights, ensuring the safety of all our workplaces, and protecting the health of all our employees are primary concerns of our management.
The future of the company, and therefore the security of the jobs we provide, depends on how well we fulfill the requirements of our customers as well as on efficient and economical production.